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Merrowed Border Option

Often referred to as the overlock stitch border, the merrowed border involves wrapping thread around the patch’s edges to bestow it with a distinctive appearance. This border type is the most prevalent choice for embroidered and dye sublimation patches and proves particularly suitable for patches with basic shapes and designs. Many opt for a standard color for the embroidered patch border to complement the shape and design, making it a cost-effective choice.

Merrowed Border Option

Often referred to as the overlock stitch border, the merrowed border involves wrapping thread around the patch’s edges to bestow it with a distinctive appearance. This border type is the most prevalent choice for embroidered and dye sublimation patches and proves particularly suitable for patches with basic shapes and designs. Many opt for a standard color for the embroidered patch border to complement the shape and design, making it a cost-effective choice.

Merrowed Border Option

Often referred to as the overlock stitch border, the merrowed border involves wrapping thread around the patch’s edges to bestow it with a distinctive appearance. This border type is the most prevalent choice for embroidered and dye sublimation patches and proves particularly suitable for patches with basic shapes and designs. Many opt for a standard color for the embroidered patch border to complement the shape and design, making it a cost-effective choice.

Merrowed Border Option

Often referred to as the overlock stitch border, the merrowed border involves wrapping thread around the patch’s edges to bestow it with a distinctive appearance. This border type is the most prevalent choice for embroidered and dye sublimation patches and proves particularly suitable for patches with basic shapes and designs. Many opt for a standard color for the embroidered patch border to complement the shape and design, making it a cost-effective choice.

Why Choose Custom Embroidery Patches for Your Custom Patches

American Patch stands as a premier provider of custom patch services, offering the widest array of shapes, colors, and sizes in the market. Whatever your patch needs may be, we have the capability to fulfill them. Our team is readily available to address any inquiries, ranging from selecting the appropriate embroidered patch border for custom embroidered patches to order processing times.